Thursday, March 10, 2011

SO MANY Pictures!!!

I started going through pictures this morning that go back to Memorial Day 2010 when we met TJ for the first time. Oh gosh I have no clue where to even start! I would really like to put together a slideshow of our journey so far with TJ but I am realizing that I have taken over 4000 pictures since that day! I am going to have to stick to fewer pictures that mean a lot to us. I think most people that know us have seen a lot of these pictures anyways on my facebook so nothing new...sorry peeps! I can see that going through, editing, and putting together a slideshow will take ALL day. I hope to have something up by the time I hit the hay tonight!


  1. Im so glad you are blogging again! I dont know if you remember me from the 20ish board. I followed you way back when, when everyone posted thier blogs! So glad to hear you are doing well!

  2. Thanks! Of course I remember you!!! I still have your blog link as well!

  3. Yay for pictures!!! I have that problem with Hannah's photo books. I do them on shutterfly and usually do it at the end of the year, so there's LOTS of pics to worth it to go through them all again though!
