Saturday, January 7, 2012

Confirming those 2 pink lines

So once getting those 2 pink lines I called the RE(Reproductive Endocronologist) immediately to make sure we were indeed pregnant and it was a healthy pregnancy. We confirmed with bloodwork and ultrasound that Tuesday that we were indeed pregnant! After that we went weekly from 4 weeks gestation to 9 weeks gestation and each time the ultrasound and bloodwork were the same showing a happy healthy baby in there!!! We also enlightened our families in on the secret. For Joe's side we Skyped as they live far away and had TJ tell them he had a secret. Then when they asked what he said, "Mommy has a baby in her tummy!". It was overwhelming excitement for everyone. For my parent's who live close we asked them to meet us for lunch and we presented them with this...
They were thrilled as was Bailey. After that we gradually told family and friends. We waited until just before the 2nd trimester started and then made the big announcement as it was at Christmas time and fun!

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