Saturday, April 16, 2011

I love this family!!!

So, when Joe and I firsted started trying for a baby I found a wonderful support group online. At first it started out as just women that knew what I was going through. It quickly turned into much more then that. The women(all of them) I have met the past 3.5 years have become more then support they have become like family! They are women that I can turn to NO matter what I am feeling. I know I will NOT be judged and will always have support in ALL areas of life. When experiencing infertility there are SO many emotions and not all of them are good. I say this because if you haven't dealt with infertility it is hard to understand sometimes. I always give people the benefit of the doubt when they make comments that cut me to the core because most people just don't understand. I don't fault people for it I just try to explain my feelings when things hurt. So with that I am honored to say that I met one of the women, her husband, and her son today!

I have known Amy( I don't know how to do the link a blog thing) for 3 years now and she is BEYOND wonderful! Amy has ALWAYS been a phone call, text, or FB chat away when I need her and I hope she feels I am always that when she needs. She has a gorgeous son that is 15 months old and a great husband! They had been living in Oregon but Rob's(husband) family lives in Louisiana and so he got a job there. Amy and Jensen joined him this weekend as Rob got their place and life set-up. Amy and Jensen flew into the airport by us here in Houston last night(Friday). Rob met them and they stayed at a hotel and then this morning(Saturday) they came to meet us! I was all kinds of excited and nervous! I mean what if Amy and her boys didn't like us in person?!?!? Would I be the same person(and family) she knew via internet and phone calls?!?!? Well, I can tell you that she didn't disappoint have to ask her because I can't tell you if I was all that she hoped. LOL okay clearly I am NOT all that but I hope I am the same person(and family) that she thought I was going into the visit! When they arrived around noon we were giddy with excitement! Joe was heading to get ice from the corner store with the golf cart so Rob joined him. Yes, they knew each other for all of 30 seconds when they were sent off on this task. Being men they didn't just go get ice but had to drive around being "cool"(both hubbies are cool in my book) in the golf cart. Jensen and TJ got acquainted and were buds! Joe grilled some awesome burgers and fried up some homemade french fries. The kiddos napped after playing hard outside then when they woke-up we ate. We had the burgers, fries, watermelon, and homemade Mexican was all delicious! We all hung-out until around 7 pm and our friend's had to leave. :o( They had a 4 hour drive back to their place in Louisiana.

We have already decided we will be meeting up LOTS in the future and hopefully one of those times will be a nice weekend in Dallas. Both our hubbies love Dallas so it should be a fun trip to plan!!! It is so fun to have someone close enough for visits like these.

I seriously canNOT express how awesome Amy and her boys are! Amy is someone that I truly adore like a sister!!! She is SO supportive and just overall an amazing person! I never question the genuine friendship we have. Amy always thinks of others and is an equally amazing friend to SO many! We are blessed to have her and her boys in our life. It is hard to find good friend's that understand and support what you are going through in life. This family is one that we will keep in our lives for as long as they will let us be in theirs! It is somewhat like internet dating and meeting your husband online. You meet a few bad guys but then when you meet the right guy you can't imagine your life without them. Again, we are so blessed to have such an amazing support system in this family. My only wish is that ALL the women in our group could come together. Such an awesome experience that will be the first of many!

The bottomline is that my friend is AWESOME!!!! Thank you Amy(and her boys) for always being there and making my life easier during everything! I hope that the next time we see each other is SOON!!!!


  1. How did I miss this?! Aww you are just the sweetest!! And you are even better in person because I get to see you face to face!! :)

