Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oops...sorry about the hiatus there!

So, lots has been going on over here in our house! First, we had a change in plans with the IVF. :o( We are VERY blessed that our insurance has infertility benefits which is why we decided to try IF treatments again. Well, not so fast they said! They require that you do 3 IUI's before trying IVF. Very well, we have done that. Again, not so fast! They require that the IUI's be done WITH injectibles. Well, the first 2 we did were with Clomid and the last one was with injectibles. GRRRRR to little details like that that were NOT mentioned when I talked with them months ago! So, back to IUI we go. :o( The good thing is that the IUI with injectibles DID get us pregnant last time we just failed to stay pregnant. Therefore, we are hopeful that this will be successful!!! So, in about a month from now we will know yay or nay.

In other news we have been busy with our day to day life. We are all doing well and having fun enjoying the weather before it reaches ridiculously hot temps. Bailey is getting so big and it is unreal that she is going to be in preschool 4 days a week next year! I am not sure how our little preemie is such a big girl now. She is ALL girl and changes about 7 times a day! She always wants to look cute and gets excited to show me certain outfits that she has picked out for herself. She is a girl after my own heart! This weekend we took a little girls time to get ice cream together while TJ napped and Joe did some work outside. I always cherish that time with her and she always asks for that time which I hope continues for YEARS to come.

TJ is just hysterical as always and keeps us on our toes! EVERYONE that meets him cannot believe that he is only 2.5 years old. He is incredibly bright and amazes us with the things he does and says. Just yesterday my mom said she doesn't know how I keep up with him. Some days I don't either! What I can tell you is that I gained 25 lbs because of the IF medicines and since TJ came into our lives I have lost 20 of it! YAY for being back in a size 6 which is quickly becoming a size 4. SO embarrassing to have gained that much but I am proud that I have been eating healthier and have been more active. Okay, sorry that got a little off topic! Oh and all that just in time for our IUI, more meds, and HOPEFULLY a successful pregnancy!!! I will gain 300 lbs if that means we can add to our family! Okay, back to TJ, he is just amazing. The best thing to happen so far this week is that we received his birth certificate yesterday!!!!!! I know that we have officially been TJ's mommy and daddy since 2/25/11 and we have considered ourselves his mommy and daddy since 6/4/10 but this was great! I mean WE are the one's on his birth certificate and it is our last name on the birth certificate! Such a great feeling to have ALL the pieces of the puzzle now. We are so blessed!!!

Joe is still LOVING his new job! He is on the company softball team and they recently had their end of the year tournament. It is a league of a bunch of different companies that play slow pitch. Joe's team was 1-9 going into the tourney. It was a one and done tourney so we thought we would be there for an hour and then head home. Well, they came together in a BIG way! They were in the bottom of the bracket so they were playing teams at the top with great records. They ended up winning the whole tournament! We were there from 2 pm to almost 8pm which was totally unexpected but fun. TJ was their good luck charm and got to be in the team photos at the end! That was a few weeks ago and this weekend they started the new season. Low and behold they went 2-0 so they really have turned around and have become the little engine that could!!! Joe also surprised me this past Friday with an early Mother's Day gift. We have been looking at getting a bigger SUV for quite some time now and found 1 last week that we both really liked. On Thursday he was going to go and get things set-up for purchase. He texted me though and said the dealership called and the one we wanted sold. :o( On Friday Joe decided to work from home and that would give us a chance to go down to the dealership and look at other SUVs. So, I started looking at their website and showing Joe the ones I liked. Joe then said that we didn't need to continue looking because we had already found the one we wanted. I reminded him that it had sold! He said with a you caught me face, "Yes I know because they sold it to ME!!!". Haha I totally ruined the surprise he had for me! We picked the SUV up on Friday and I love it! Certainly a great gift for my first official Mother's Day! Of course, nothing can top the handmade gifts I have received from Bailey but Joe did a good job.

I am a very blessed woman and pray that God will continue to make 2011 the best year ever!!!!


  1. I love big SUVs lol! Good luck with the IUIs!!! Praying for you.

  2. Hopefully TJ wil be your good luck charm in more then one way!!!
