Monday, January 5, 2009


I knew at the end of my 2 weeks off I would have to hand Bailey back over to my parents but didn't think much of it. I mean we hand her back every Sunday night no problem, right!?!?! So, when I left my parents house on Sunday night I had NO idea how sad I would be. Granted, I had a bad cold, Joe was gone, and I had to start back to work the next day but still. I cried A LOT as I sat home without my little bug to keep me on my toes. I know I lose a lot of sleep when we have her, that it isn't as easy to do things like Target when I have Bailey, laundry seems to pile up faster, etc BUT all the bad things are SO minimized when she is running around laughing under my feet! She can so easily make a bad day amazing by just cuddling up to me even if it is just for a minute. I know that there are so many of us that love her beyond belief and because of this it makes it sad for anyone of us not to have her for an extended period of time. It makes me wonder what the future holds for us and how we deal with all those things that no one wants to think about. I guess for now all I can do is enjoy Joe and I's weekends with our little bug and push aside all those sad things that I don't want to think about!

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