Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lots Going On

We have so much going on and because of the nature of all those things I am not sure that many people want to read it so I will just leave it alone. First, because if you know us you know what is going on and are probably sick of hearing about all of it. Second, because it might be a little TMI(too much info) for some. I will say that this is going to be a good year for us and we are just relying on excellent doctors, lawyers, and most of all God!

Excuse the morning hair! ;)

As for this past weekend we had a nice time down at the beach with awesome weather!!! Bailey got to open her Christmas presents from Joe's mom, Gloria, and Frank which she of course loved! Bailey is so lucky to have so many people that are so generous with her and we feel honored to have such wonderful family members! I know it is a ways away BUT in May Bailey will get to meet all of Joe's family as we are going to take her to Lubbock with us for 5/6 days! That's right Lubbock better prepare for the cutest toddler it has ever seen...yes, I am biased!

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